Thursday 27 November 2014

Homework for Movie night

Children have completed written homework in school today as a lot of them are attending Movie night later in school. Please just learn spellings, do the wordlist and do team teaching reading.



Monday 24 November 2014

Winter show


The winter show is fast approaching. Some of the class have asked can they listen to the songs at home. Here are the links if they wish to do so. Must be Santa  Glow Three little birds Shine

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Head Lice


There have been cases of head lice in the school. Can parents please check their child's hair regularly. Children may not return to school until their child's hair has been treated.



Friday 14 November 2014

Kinsealy Pet Shop came to visit yesterday. Here is a look at what we saw!

Tuesday 4 November 2014


Just a reminder: 1st class will be starting G.A.A tomorrow.

Friday 24 October 2014

Monday 6 October 2014

S.E.S.E Project

In SESE (History, Geography, Science) this week we are learning about pets, the role of a vet and working animals (Guide dogs).

To extend this topic and learning further I would like each child to complete a mini project on one of the following titles.

1.      My Pet or a pet I know.

2.      The Vet or Zookeeper

3.      Animals who help people.

Your child will get an A3 piece of paper and has a week to complete their mini-project. I have gone through this in class but please can you remind them of the following:

Clear title

Accurate content (Doesn’t have to be too long. I would prefer a short piece that the children really know rather than loads of information that they are unsure of.)

Originality i.e. not copied word for word from book or internet.

Presentation (Can be handwritten or typed)

Pictures (can be printed, drawn or cut from magazine/newspaper etc)

Correct spelling and grammar (capital letters and full stops)

This is the first project we have done in first class so they will need some help at home and at school. I will address any questions during S.E.S.E lessons this week. I will collect the projects on the 13th of October and the children will have an opportunity to present it to the class that week if they wish.

Thanks for your help.



Thursday 2 October 2014

The children have their Learn Together copies in their bags to show you some of their work from September. Please sign a page and return to school.


Here is a link to some dolch games we were playing in class today.

Monday 29 September 2014

Here are some pictures from our Peace day assembly. Well done everybody.

Thursday 25 September 2014

It is Peace day tomorrow. All classes will be involved in assembly. My class will also be taking part in a soccer blitz so please make sure they are wearing comfortable shoes.



Monday 22 September 2014

All children have their spelling copy in their homework folder. Please sign and return to school tomorrow.



Thursday 18 September 2014

Literacy Links

Here are some websites to support 1st class literacy skills.
As you know from our homework, we have started tables this week.
This is a vital aspect of their homework. Repetition and reinforcement are key to helping your child's accuracy at tables so please ensure they do this nightly.

Here are some links to websites you may find useful that allow your child to practise their tables.
Just a reminder that we do D.E.A.R time Tuesday- Friday for ten minutes daily.

If your child is reading a book at home that they would like to read in school please remind them to put it in their bag.


Wednesday 17 September 2014

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that our class meeting will be tonight at 7.30 in room 5.

Look forward to seeing you there.


Tuesday 16 September 2014

Hi everyone and welcome to our 1st class blog.

I look forward to getting to know you all.

First class and I will be using this blog during the year to show you examples of our great work. I will also keep you updated on class trips/projects and I will use the blog to give you links for useful websites to help your child at home.

Please feel free to comment and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.

